father-daughter talk

Every fortnight I travel to nakuru with my dad and I love it, blame it on being a daddy's girl. Anyway through the 2hr journey we talk a lot. This past Friday it so happened that I blurted out the way many classmates are getting pregnant. We even have a father Abraham in A.D.D(school of architecture and engineering in university of Nairobi). The father Abraham name came up since he had so many sons.
So that story led to another and another story. Obviously HIV and AIDS was among the stories that came up.
Its saddening to know that men and women including my friends dread getting preggo than contracting any disease. Yo! Aids is real and it kills without discrimination. In high school form 3 when we were learning the reproductive system in biology, the last bit of that topic was the diseases ... syphilis, gonorrhea, clamedia ... etc I didn't love biology cause of the numerous notes we had to read but I recall that part Hehe it was interesting being in a girls school and have a male teacher teaching biology.
Moving on ..... we were made to watch the Raphael Tuju's documentary on AIDS. I have never seen anything more disturbing like it. What made me and my friends freak out is knowing that people are walking corpses, the women with those sexually transmitted diseases are rotting inside their you know what, and they cannot do anything about it. Now tell me dear friends would you rather get pregnant or have a killer disease? I'd rather getting pregnant coz if you don't want that kid you can give it away for adoption since many couples are barren. Talking about pregnant women has made me remember Adele is pregnant!! people made jokes about it in twitter. I remember reading a tweet that said "all this time we thought Adele was wallowing in sadness after the heart break, she was getting laid " ««== it is still funny just like color purple will never get old.
Moving on .... so my dad told me as were talking that if I had a friend, note he doesn't even say a boyfriend, twende hospitali tukapimwe. at that point I was about to laugh but I didn't. First because he didn't say boyfriend, second because I don't have a boyfriend. He told me how many of his friends died of it and recently they cremated a bro of his friend. Its not a joke, if you love yourself NEVER do it without a cd or better yet abstain. When did you ever hear that so and so died because of lack of sex? Kissing random people made a friend of my friend get herpes.  Once I kissed a random guy when high, I immediately got sober. i panic so much even my friends know it. That's not me, when iam out with my friends, I don't want to know any guy. If something materialises you'll be saying you met in a club ...smh.
Stay safe people. I know most parents are conservative so they don't talk much. I enjoy my father-daughter chat so much. Today is sunday and at around 1 we'll be travelling back to Nairobi. Praying for a safe journey and more stories to tell. Now going back to reading today's newspaper.

Lovely week ahead bloggers

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